Important information about discounted tickets for the Frankfurt Pass (with and without subscription)
To purchase discounted tickets for the Frankfurt Pass, you need a valid Frankfurt Pass.
The Frankfurt Pass must be valid at least as long as the ticket at the time of purchase. In the subscription at least 6 months. If the Frankfurt Pass loses its validity during the year, it must be renewed and proof of the new validity must be provided when a subscription is purchased.
Frankfurt Pass Tickets are personalized and non-transferable. The chip card and the valid Frankfurt Pass must be carried on journeys.
These tickets entitle the holder to any number of journeys within the Frankfurt city area, including the airport. For journeys outside Frankfurt, an additional connecting ticket is required. The Student Ticket Hesse and the Senior Citzen Ticket Hessen can be used throughout Hesse.
The following tickets are available at a reduced rate with a Frankfurt Pass:
Please also refer to the brochure Broschüre inkl. der Ergänzenden Bedingungen für JahresAbos zum Frankfurt-Pass (only available in German).
Further information and requirements for applying for and issuing a Frankfurt Pass can be found at Stadt Frankfurt am Main (only available in German).