Expertise in train and tram transport
We’re the transport services provider for municipal train and tram transport under the German tram construction and operation ordinance (Verordnung über den Bau und Betrieb der Strassenbahnen –BoStrab), and are responsible for all tram and local train services.
We employ highly qualified, friendly and well-trained crews to operate our services and use modern, safe track vehicles that are designed to meet our passengers’ requirements.
We are a highly skilled and competitive provider of track vehicles and maintenance services.
Our goals are ambitious. We’re seeking to become market leaders in track transport operations. We intend to achieve this by offering competitive local public transport services and providing modern vehicles and qualified crews. Track services
Expertise in infrastructure
We’re responsible for providing general business services for all local transport infrastructure. This means that we’re experienced in delivering
- Planning, infrastructure and transport routes
- Planning, construction, maintenance and repair of electrical transport equipment
- Planning, inspection, maintenance and repair of tracks
- Maintenance, cleaning and servicing of buildings, stations and tunnels (facilities management)
- Operation, organisation of the central control room (traffic management)
- Information and signalling technology
Our goal is to acquire technical services from affiliated companies and other businesses so that we can become an efficient provider of planning, operations and monitoring services. Infrastructure services
Services as our core competence
In our role as a reliable partner to RMV, we’re responsible for the long-term provision of services in sales, revenue protection, revenue accounting, customer service, safety, security and training.
Here again, our goal is to open up the market by offering efficient and reliable services. VGF services